Compass Proactive Health Care

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Identifying The Processes of Change

As we journey through the process of identifying where we are at in reaching for our goals, it is useful to have some tools to identify which skills we can use to make progress. The Processes of Change are classified as cognitive processes (which are new ways of thinking that reinforce our desire or motivation to change) and behavioral processes (which support the behavior change process) (Sears, Brehm, & Bell, 2014)

Classifying these processes give us identifiable tools to work through our own process of change.

  1. Consciousness Raising - This is research mode. Once you’ve decided on a behavior change you hit the internets and seek out new facts, ideas, and tips to help you in your journey.

  2. Dramatic Relief - You don’t like the way a current behavior is making you feel. When you truly decide to make a change you are experience a great sense of relief that things are going to be different.

  3. Self-reevaluation - This skill set is built around realizing that behavior change is built into your identity and is an integral part to who you are as a person.

  4. Environmental reevaluation - Evaluating your current environment, assessing the old vs. new behavior within that environment and determining how that environment is beneficial or not.

  5. Self Liberation - Deciding to change and experiencing a belief in the ability to change.

  6. Helping Relationships - Finding and using social support to build on the new behavior. Make friends, meet colleagues and join groups that mimic the behavior change you want to see.

  7. Counter Conditioning - Take that old behavior and replace it with something new. Try different things to condition yourself out of the thing you don’t want.

  8. Reinforcement Management - Reward yourself when you accomplish the things you feel good about. Pavlov’s dog was right.

  9. Stimulus Control - This one is about preparation as a tool. Set yourself up for success and provide reminders and cues in your environment to promote the behavior change you want to see.

  10. Social Liberation - Be who you want to be. Surround yourself with the things that make you feel happy, supported and cared for. Everything else can take a hike.