What is A Health Coach?
A certified Health Coach is a trusted partner and mentor who empowers individuals to both identify and achieve their goals related to health, wellness, and mindset.
Health coaches both encourage and support their clients every step of the way by using science-backed, behavior-driven lifestyle modification techniques.
Health coaching is about behavior change, about helping individuals unlock their potential and set realistic short and long-term goals as they relate to their health and wellness.
At the heart of health coaching is a holistic approach, which considers the person as a whole, rather than focusing on illness, ailments or specific parts of the body.
How Does Health Coaching Work?
A holistic approach takes into consideration how the individual interacts with their environment as well as their biology, emphasizing the connection of mind and body.
To support the whole-person approach, coaches leverage evidence-based coaching modalities and are trained in scientifically validated behavior modification techniques such as motivational interviewing, the transtheoretical model of change, simple and complex reflections, self determination theory, social cognitive theory, appreciative inquiry, and nonviolent communication amongst others.
These techniques encourage and elicit clients to understand and improve their health and wellness by helping them focus on personal goals, values, and strengths to drive meaningful behavior change in a deeply personal and individualized way.
Health & wellness coaches support clients in activating internal strengths and external resources to make sustainable and healthy lifestyle behavior changes. Health coaches use a client-centered approach wherein clients decide their goals, engage in self-discovery or active learning processes, and self-monitor behaviors to increase accountability, all within the context of an interpersonal relationship with a health coach. Whatever goal the client sets, the health coach ensures that they are supported until the desired outcome is achieved. Board-certified coaches display an unconditional positive regard for their clients and have trained to the highest standards in the profession which means that they have the skills and knowledge to walk alongside you on your path to your healthiest self.
Health coach is NOT a Personal Trainer
A personal trainer is someone who works with clients to create a fitness and workout routine. While coaches encourage physical activity in most cases, they focus on many other aspects of a person’s well-being including emotional and mental wellness. Some Health coaches do hold fitness certifications and can help those who are seeking both a health and wellness coach, as well as a personal trainer.
Health coach is NOT a Doctor
Doctors are there for well-visits as well as to treat patients’ ailments, symptoms and chronic health issues. This is highly beneficial, and the advice of a doctor is imperative and should always be taken into account. The role of a certified health coach, however, is to aid an individual in reaching their health and wellness goals through behavior modification as well as guide their clients through the turmoil of a chronic illness. Health coaches are integral members of the health and care team and work with patients in helping them adhere to a plan prescribed by their doctor.
Health coach is NOT a Nutritionist or Dietitian
Health coaches can help clients establish action plans for generalized healthy eating behaviors, whereas nutritionists and dietitians can prescribe meal plans and give specific nutrition advice to the client according to their medical needs or goals.
Health coach is NOT a Therapist
Health coaches don't need to be therapists or psychologists, and great coaches don't try to mimic what a mental healthcare professional does. These professionals do complement one another and often work together. A trained health coach understands their and knows when to refer an individual to a mental health professional.
Everyone (and we mean everyone) could use a health coach! We mean it.
We’re all on our own health journeys, and we all have different wellness needs and goals; but we promise you, whatever you’d like to work on, there’s a health coach for you!